SOTA : G/LD054 - Watch Hill
255m, 1 points | IO84IQ
Activation date : 26 April 2021
Band : 2m (145 FM)
Kit : FT60 with 5 element yagi antenna
Summit to Summit QSOs: 1
Parking was available on the side of the road just opposite the forestry road, and you walk up the forestry road. Couldn't ask for a more well defined path! When you cross the style and come out on to Watch Hill from the forest this is where the maps shows the activation zone. There's plenty of space for setting up.
Wasn't sure what to expect from this summit as we'd had not been there before. It was certainly a difficult path to the South (didn't work any of my usual chasers), but 9 FM contacts were logged from the North and surrounding areas, including 1 S2S QSO; Ballencleuch Law. Thanks, as always, to those who came back to my calls.
QSOs :
Time | Callsign | Band | Mode |
10:24 | GM4VFL/P | 144MHz | FM |
10:26 | 2E0XUP | 144MHz | FM |
10:43 | M1LSD/M | 144MHz | FM |
10:48 | G1OAE | 144MHz | FM |
10:52 | 2E0LDF/P | 144MHz | FM |
10:58 | M7BUY | 144MHz | FM |
10:59 | G6ENN/P | 144MHz | FM |
11:03 | 2M0MSU | 144MHz | FM |
11:06 | M0AYB/P | 144MHz | FM |
M0KPW's operating on G/LD054