SOTA : G/LD051 - Holme Fell
317m, 1 points | IO84LJ
Activation date : 29 June 2021
Band : 2m (145 FM and 144 SSB)
Kit : FT817 with 5 element yagi antenna
Summit to Summit QSOs: 4
Managed to park at the side of Yew tree Tarn (which was virtually bone dry following the recent warm weather), an alternative way is to park at 'Hodge Close' and walk from there. That's a slightly easier walk, but the way we went wasn't too strenuous. It was a very hot day, so plenty of sun block was needed and plenty of water - sat at the summit for nearly 2 hours - we were thankful for the gentle breeze and some sporadic cloud cover.
Holme Fell has a good take off for 2m, so managed to work 20 FM contacts, and 1 SSB contact. Nice to bag 4 S2S QSOs, 1x G/LD and 3x GW/NW). I'd decided to take the yagi antenna to allow for some SSB, but that part of the band was quiet and my CQ'ing only generated one reply. As I was out with Nick, G0HIK (who was working the QO100 satellite and 23cm / 13cm) I also had a 23cm FM QGO with Brain G4ZRP.
QSOs :
Time | Callsign | Band | Mode |
09:58 | G4ZRP | 1240MHz | FM |
10:12 | G7CDA | 144MHz | FM |
10:14 | G1PIE | 144MHz | FM |
10:17 | G0LWU | 144MHz | FM |
10:23 | G1OHH | 144MHz | FM |
10:26 | 2E0EVD | 144MHz | FM |
10:27 | G6LKB | 144MHz | FM |
10:38 | G0MHF | 144MHz | FM |
10:41 | G0HRT | 144MHz | FM |
10:44 | M0NOM | 144MHz | FM |
10:47 | M1DYU | 144MHz | FM |
10:49 | MW0WBG/P | 144MHz | FM |
10:52 | GW6WBS/P | 144MHz | FM |
10:53 | G7KUJ | 144MHz | FM |
10:55 | M1BUU/M | 144MHz | FM |
10:56 | M7MCG | 144MHz | FM |
11:01 | G4LWG | 144MHz | FM |
11:08 | G7SXR | 144MHz | FM |
11:11 | MW1HAX/P | 144MHz | FM |
11:13 | G3UCA | 144MHz | FM |
11:18 | M0JKS/P | 144MHz | FM |
11:28 | G8CPZ | 144MHz | SSB |
M0KPW activating G/LD051