SOTA : G/LD046 - Lambrigg Fell
340m, 1 point | IO84QI
Activation date : 22 November 2021
Band : 2m (145 FM)
Kit : FT817 with external battery, 5 element yagi antenna
Summit to Summit QSOs: 0
Nice easy 1 pointer, not sure why we'd not done it before!
Lambrigg is on the North side of Kendal, so the easiest way to get there is to drive up the M6 and leave at junction 37. Parking is available as you turn left from the motorway slip road on left and right hand sides. The first parking area (on the right, with the gate into the quarry) was full, so we parked slightly further up on the right. It's a bit of a walk (approx 10 mins) up the road to get onto the bridal way, but once through the gate and onto the bridal way it was approx 45 mins to the summit. It is a bit awkward to get to the summit as you need to cross a wall, fortunately there was a suitable place to get across. There's quite a good take off from the summit, and plenty of space to set up kit.
As this was a new summit for me I took the 5 element beam, in favour of the Slim Jim. It was a bit of a quite day (Monday, mid November) on 2m (started operating approx 11.30 local) and eventually managed to get 14 QSOs in the log. No S2S's. but there were no other activations taking place on 2m at the same time. Thanks as always to everyone who came back to the calls.
QSOs :
Time | Callsign | Band | Mode |
11:26 | G7CDA | 144MHz | FM |
11:27 | GW4ZPL | 144MHz | FM |
11:29 | G6LKB | 144MHz | FM |
11:30 | G7WAW | 144MHz | FM |
11:32 | 2E0MOW/P | 144MHz | FM |
11:33 | G4DEE/P | 144MHz | FM |
11:35 | G3ZNG | 144MHz | FM |
11:36 | G4ZRP | 144MHz | FM |
11:50 | G1OHH | 144MHz | FM |
12:00 | G0LWU | 144MHz | FM |
12:07 | 2E0MIX | 144MHz | FM |
12:12 | M7MCG | 144MHz | FM |
12:14 | M5TUE | 144MHz | FM |
13:15 | G8CPZ/P | 144MHz | FM |
M0KPW kit set up on the summit of G/LD046