SOTA : G/LD035 - Great Mell Fell
537m, 2 points | IO84MO
Activation date : 7 May 2021
Band : 2m (145 FM)
Kit : FT60 with external battery, 5 element yagiantenna
Summit to Summit QSOs: 2
Parking can be a bit difficult, but for midweek in May it was fine. We arrived around 10am and there was parking for a couple of cars available. It's a pleasant walk through the woods and then up to the summit on this one, which took around 45 minutes. Most people would do this and Little Mell Fell on the same day, but we didn't have time which is why we'd activated Little Mell Fell a couple of days previously.
Bit of a difficult summit for 2m, so I'd taken the 5 element beam to help and all in all 11 QSOs were added to the SOTA log which included 2 S2S QSOs ; Little Mell Fell and Pen-y-Ghent. Plus Nick G0HIK (my SOTA buddy) had taken microwave kit, so a 23cm QSO was added to the log. Thanks as always to everyone who came back to the calls.
QSOs :
Time | Callsign | Band | Mode |
11:27 | G0TDM | 144MHz | FM |
11:30 | G4WHA/M | 144MHz | FM |
11:36 | 2E0VRX/P | 144MHz | FM |
11:39 | M7MCG/P | 144MHz | FM |
11:40 | G4VFL/P | 144MHz | FM |
11:41 | G4VFL/P | 70MHz | FM |
11:46 | 2E0CSS | 144MHz | FM |
11:59 | G1OHH | 144MHz | FM |
12:05 | G7CDA | 144MHz | FM |
12:10 | M1DBG/M | 144MHz | FM |
12:15 | G4VFL/P | 1240MHz | FM |