SOTA : G/LD030 - Blackcombe
600m, 4 points | IO84IG
Activation date : 12 April 2021
Band : 2m (145 FM)
Kit : FT60 with Slim Jim antenna
Summit to Summit QSOs: 0
This is another of my 'local summits' as I see it every day from home. Parking is available at St Marys church, Whicham and the path is pretty straight forward. The first part of the assent is steep, then it's reasonable all the way to the summit. It normally takes between 70 and 90 minutes depending on how much kit I'm carrying. You're pretty much starting at sea level for this one, so you really do feel like you've earnt your 4 points.
As it's a local summit, it's one I've done numerous times, and on this particular activation I logged 17 QSOs with no S2S. It's a good 2m takeoff and the first summit I tried out the Slim Jim antenna that I've used for the majority of my SOTAs in 2021. Thanks, as always, to those who came back to my calls.
QSOs :
Time | Callsign | Band | Mode |
11:45 | G7CDA | 144MHz | FM |
11:47 | M0SSD | 144MHz | FM |
11:48 | GW4ZPL | 144MHz | FM |
11:49 | G1OHH | 144MHz | FM |
12:02 | G0MHF | 144MHz | FM |
12:02 | G4PNI | 144MHz | FM |
12:06 | 2E0MIX | 144MHz | FM |
12:14 | G0NAJ | 144MHz | FM |
12:16 | G3IZD | 144MHz | FM |
12:24 | M0WBM | 144MHz | FM |
12:27 | G3UCA | 144MHz | FM |
12:30 | M6BLV | 144MHz | FM |
12:32 | G7WKX | 144MHz | FM |
12:49 | G1PIE | 144MHz | FM |
12:55 | 2E0XYL | 144MHz | FM |
12:58 | M0WBG | 144MHz | FM |
13:00 | M0VAZ | 144MHz | FM |
M0KPW 2m kit on G/LD030