I have been interested in Amateur Radio since the late 1980's and first joined the RSGB in 1989 as a Short Wave Listener, and became RS92356. I spent many a night and weekend listening to the HF bands on a Trio R-1000 communications receiver, and to local 2 Meters using an AOR900 scanner. You can read details of my recent Summits on the Air (SOTA) activities here.
I was licensed in 2010 and am located in a South Cumbria village called Ireleth (near Barrow in Furness) in the North West of England. LOCATOR IO-84-JE. WAB SQUARE SD27 - I am a member of Worked All Britain, book number 20444
During June 2015 I held an NOV for the special call sign GB125SL commemorating 125 years since the birth of Stan Laurel in the local town of Ulverston on the 16th of June 1890 - see more details here
I am an approved RSGB Tutor for all three license levels and a member of the Furness Amateur Radio Society.
Visit www.fars.org.uk for more details
Prior to December 2013 my call sign was 2E0CPG (Intermediate), and before that M6AYY (Foundation licence)
I was the winner of the Colin Fox Trophy for construction at the April 2018 NARSA radio rally for my 5.6GHz ATV system. 2019 sees be active on 23cm using an FT817 with an SG labs transverter and amplifier (and later an Icom IC910). I take part in the monthly 1.3Ghz UKAC from the IO84 square.
NEW for 2022, up and running for the QO100 satellite. Using my FT817 with an SG Labs 13cm transverter and Kuhne amplifier, into a 60cm dish and a poty feed... I hope to work you (again)soon!
I take great delight in QSL'ing - my preferred method is via the Buro, but I will QSL direct and via eSQL - so if we have a QSO I do appreciate a QSL card and I will always return! Likewise if you are a SWL and hear a QSO please do QSL and I will return!
I have a Yaesu FTDX-1200, IC7300, Clansman 320, FT-817, FT-857D and an old FT-101E for HF. For VHF I have an IC-910H, FT-7800 and FT-60 as well as a Clansman VHF rig for 4m rig and like to get out walking in the hills working on 4 Meters, 2 Meters or 70 cm FM with a 5 element yagi for 2 Meters or a Dipole for 4 Meters, (or mobile whips antenna (5/8 on 2m) on the car when winter is here!!) So if you hearing me calling ‘CQ’ give me a shout and we can have a QSO. I like to take part in the monthly 23CM UKAC, so please beam into IO84 if you also take part.
For HF I work with a vertical 20m dipoles a half size inverted V G5RV and a 6m dipole antenna, running up to 100 watts on my Yaesu's and Icom which performs well into Europe, America and beyond! During the Sporadic E season I enjoy working 6m when conditions allow and am always looking for new squares! I have starting working the VHF/UHF FM satellites AO91 and AO92 using just a colinear antenna and my Icom IC910H - I can't keep up with the 'big guns' with just a colinear, but I am able to work plenty.
See my construction of a 80m ARDF receiver kit

WSPR - Weak Signal Propagation Reporter Network
The Weak Signal Propagation Reporter Network is a group of amateur radio operators using K1JT's MEPT_JT digital mode to probe radio frequency propagation conditions using very low power (QRP/QRPp) transmissions. Results are displayed on a map and tell you who is hearing you and who you have heard. It's an excellent system for seeing how well your set up works at QRP and for testing propagation. View WSPR page for more details.
Recently bought is the WSPR Lite unit from Sotabeams - giving 200mw on 20m and 30m, this unit is perfect for testing your antennas and checking propagation. Very interesting results are being received so far.